<aside> 🗂️ Table of contents (latest version appears on top)

🌋The each content may overlap to some extent, like layers of volcano, for I keep update my thoughts based on what I observe everytime 🌋


Asking researchers about cognitive involvement in consilience

I am planing to conduct a survey to know how real-world researchers feel, think, assess etc their behaviours in practicing consilience.

I’ve got to get some kind of consent to do that from Mq uni.’s people…

I would like to base the questionnaire on the readings from my class work and independent research done so far 😋

→More details in Projects: Asking researchers about cognitive involvement in consilience

Cognitive challenges of consilience

One day, I was talking to some people…then came up with the idea that… When people are asked an uncomfortable question, they can get around the answer either by consciously or unconsciously by saying things off-the-target. How does it work? Can consilience be achieved by masking the uncomfortablness of human sense? but still conducting the process of consilience behind the scene? How can we then establish the trusts among collaborators? What is the cognitive mechanisms underlying this situation???

Tech x Consilience 🛸

Consilience with tech (note: there is a lot to explore)

Consilience and AI